When the world falls apart some things stay in place (01/03/10 21:13)

(originally posted on my livejournal http://jenna-appleseed.livejournal.com/3384.html
@ 2006-09-06 21:27:00 )

Current mood: melancholy
Current music: Billy Bragg - Levi Stubbs Tears*

When the world falls apart some things stay in place

"And her husband was one of those blokes
The sort that only laughs at his own jokes
The sort that war takes away
And when there wasnt a war he left her anyway"

(edited to add)

youtube video

stunning live version complete with Billy facepalming (ah bless) at a wonderfuly terrible mishearing of the opening line 'with the money from her accident she bought herself a mobile phone'! lol - clip looks like it's off a live video/dvd release?

full lyrics: (eta2: corrected from listening to the actual song)

"With the money from her accident
she bought herself a mobile home,
so, at least she could get some enjoyment
out of being alone
No one could say that she was left up on the shelf
It's you and me against the world kid she mumbled to herself

When the world falls apart some things stay in place
Levi Stubbs tears run down his face

She ran away from home in her mothers best coat
She was married before she was even entitled to vote
And her husband was one of those blokes
The sort that only laughs at his own jokes
The sort that war takes away
And when there wasn't a war he left anyway

When the world falls apart some things stay in place
Levi Stubbs tears run down his face

Norman Whitfield and Barratt Strong
Are here to make right everything that's wrong
Holland and Holland and Lamont Dozier too
Are here to make it all okay with you

And(then?) one dark night came home from the sea
he put a hole in her body where no hole should be
It hurt her more to see him walking out the door
And though they stitched her back together
they left her heart in pieces on the

When the world falls apart some things stay in place
she takes off the Four Tops tape and puts it back in its case
When the world falls apart some things stay in place
Levi stubbs tears..."

hear it here -

eta3 : listening to it again and it still gets me right there *gets all choked up & blubs*
fuck I need this - it's well past time I bought it on cd.

Commercial plug: (I earn commision from these links)

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About Me

HFA music & sci-fi geek, obsessive collecter, and occasional zinester. links: jenna-appleseed.livejournal.com (meta mostly abandoned) twitter.com/hrzine (eta 2: mostly abandoned twitter) http://hrzine.110mb.com/ (eta 3: dead link) eta 4: Most of the blogs connected via my profile are empty or long abandoned