total wrongness but...

(originally posted to livejournal -2006-09-10 23:28:00)

To the tune Of I Shot The Sherif (Bob Marley not the Enoch Powell supporting hipocrital racist bigot Eric Clapton - confession I like his version of ISTS insert embarresed/ashamed smiley here)

"I shot Menezes in the name of National Defence, ooh, ooh-ooh
I shot Menezes and they say that I committed no offence, ooh, ooh-ooh

Sheriff Ian Blair has defended me
For dealing the killer blow
Every time that I ask for instructions
He say, “Kill him before he explodes”
“Cos you never know what's underneath his clothes”"

full lyrics and download here

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HFA music & sci-fi geek, obsessive collecter, and occasional zinester. links: (meta mostly abandoned) (eta 2: mostly abandoned twitter) (eta 3: dead link) eta 4: Most of the blogs connected via my profile are empty or long abandoned