Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight

(originally posted to livejournal  @ 2007-06-06 14:03:00)
Current mood: chipper

music is perfect though I swear it's been nicked from some off the radar non mainstream twee pop band, Lyrically it's a bit of fluff but there's nothing wrong with that sometimes, shame he no longer has the voice for it.

video - classic goofy begining, the ghosts dancing arround are allright until it turns 80s/early 90's ultra wackiness - Refridgerater & washing machine ghosts with food & washing hasnging off their clothes (wtf?) looking like somebodies trying to remake Rentaghost - that was bad enough the first time round.
good ending - the band in the box with costumes nearly but not quite works (reminds me of British Sea Power for some reason)
if the whole video was closer to the darker section with the washing machine on fire & Paul being sucked into the box it would be better.

great for grinning like an ideot and singing along changing the lyrics to "everybodys going to dance tonight, eveybody knows this song is shite" - everybodys going to dance around, everybodys going to hit the ground wtf? (somebody couldn't think of a decent rhyme)

If this was an genuininly eccentric genuininly indie band dressing up & acting the parts themselves they'd probably get away with it.

amazon link: Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight*

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HFA music & sci-fi geek, obsessive collecter, and occasional zinester. links: (meta mostly abandoned) (eta 2: mostly abandoned twitter) (eta 3: dead link) eta 4: Most of the blogs connected via my profile are empty or long abandoned