adding my old posts from elsewhere (01/03/10 1241)

this is going to be the blog I've been promising myself for ages (as suggested on twitter) for reviewing/commentating on music as I try and cut down on my cd collection.
I haven't written any new album/music reviews yet so I'm starting by reposting & linking to old posts from livejournal, myspace, mylot and elsewhere..

A WORD OF WARNING: it's going to get pretty sweary so beware (sorry but I can't help it, some of the music is that bad.) eta: oh yeah amazon & other affilate links will be marked with a * (I'll add a proper disclosure/disclaimer page later)

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About Me

HFA music & sci-fi geek, obsessive collecter, and occasional zinester. links: (meta mostly abandoned) (eta 2: mostly abandoned twitter) (eta 3: dead link) eta 4: Most of the blogs connected via my profile are empty or long abandoned